Industry news

Analysis of the cause of smaller size in copper wire drawing process

Analysis of the cause of smaller size in copper wire drawing process

Reason analysis

Smaller size problems in the copper drawing process may be caused by the following factors:


1. Material reasons


Poor copper quality, more impurities, or uneven suspension bending will lead to a small phenomenon in the drawing process.


2. Equipment and facilities are faulty


If the equipment is unqualified, too old, and the maintenance is not timely, it will affect the effect of drawing. For example, the mold surface wear, mold arrangement is not orderly, the tension of the wire drawing machine is unstable, etc., may lead to the small phenomenon in the copper wire drawing process.


3. Operation problems


Improper operation by workers, such as uneven drawing speed, inappropriate selection of lubricating oil, and unfavorable exhaust, will lead to a small phenomenon in the drawing process.


4. Environmental impact


Some external factors will also have a certain impact on the copper wire drawing process, such as temperature, humidity, voltage, etc., will cause damage to materials and equipment, resulting in the phenomenon of small pulling.


Second, the solution

When there is a small problem in the copper drawing process, the following solutions can be considered:


1. Check the materials


The material needs to be tested. Generally, methods such as metallographic detection and chemical analysis can be adopted to analyze the quality of materials, so as to find out the problems existing in materials and deal with them in time.


2. Maintain the equipment


Maintenance of the equipment is of Paramount importance. Replace aging or damaged components in a timely manner and maintain the device regularly. And the equipment should be cleaned and lubricated frequently to ensure that the equipment can run more smoothly.


3. Strengthen operation management


Improve the business skills of workers, and constantly strengthen the standardization and standardized management of operations to ensure the correct operation process. During the operation of the equipment, it is necessary to adjust the drawing speed in time, use the appropriate lubricating oil, and ensure that the exhaust is smooth to reduce the impact of operation problems.


4. Control your environment


In order to ensure the stability of the copper wire drawing process, it is necessary to control the environment, control the fluctuation of temperature and humidity, ensure the stability of voltage, and avoid the impact on equipment and materials.



At present, copper wire drawing has a wide range of applications in the industry, but in actual production, smaller size problems often appear. In this paper, the reason of drawing small in copper wire drawing process is analyzed, and the solution is put forward, which provides some help for enterprises to improve production efficiency. Through the control of copper wire drawing process, the problems in production can be reduced to the maximum extent, and the product quality and enterprise benefit can be improved.

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